Sunday, April 26, 2009

life lessons

35 days until family med rotation starts...
25 days until my last final exam of 1st year...
15 days until I relocate to Chicago...
(Not that I'm counting or anything)

Tonight's life lesson from Kate's perspective..
I've learned in the past two weeks that despite life, despite stress, despite whatever rolls you over... you can get by if you ask for a rope, stand back up, and walk with a little stronger stride in your day. They say tough times only make you stronger and I think whoever said that might be right. One year is almost over and I look back at what's happened so far and I'm shocked and amazed. What a rollercoaster, but that's the most accurate description of life right?! Every day I think I discover something more about myself whether it be some new hobby I desire to try or something that I don't really care to have in my life anymore. The biggest thing I've learned in this year of PA school is how to be me and be okay with just that. Although Chicago is considered my actual "home", North Chicago is very distant from that. It's not much of a town excluding the fireplace at Starbucks where I've lived for the last year! I've had moments of thinking I'm going to completely fail out of PA school, sleepless nights of wondering how I'm going to make it through, and moments of complete giddiness realizing that I'm almost done and I can do this! It's a bit of a relief knowing that I am where I need to be right now, that I've found a nitch in something that I can do for the rest of my life, and one piece of my life puzzle that finally fits into place. The rest of the stuff.... well, it'll fall into place sooner rather than later hopefully. Funny how Mom's are always right though, because I'm pretty sure mine's been telling me that since I was a little munchkin and it's taken me almost 25 years to finally listen to her and take it to heart.

Back to studying burns, toxicity, and obstetics for the night (of course, not all related)... philosophical lesson over.

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you Kate. I am in law school for sports and entertainment law!! I have one year left. I completely understood you when you posted "I have spent many days in front of a fireplace at star-bucks wondering if I am going to make it through PA school." I do that in front of a fireplace at Caribou. I feel your pain. It seems like the world outside doesn't even exist when you are in that coffee shop freaking out for hours on end, but I know you can pull through. Try not to think about the "what ifs" and just do. That has gotten me through. I am in Chicago all the time, like once a month, we should totally chill. Anytime you need a pick-me-up when you feel like you are going to fail, mail me or call me, or facebook me.

