Imagine holding on to the window ledge for dear life for an hour plus in a 10-12 person van as you drive on one of the rockiest, holiest, roughest roads ever. The only good thing about the ride was the scenery... pure jungle in every direction you looked. We made it into San Jose safely, a village of about 800 people. 7 hours later, 85 school physicals for 3-7 year olds completed, 6 very very tired PA's! And then we somehow thought it was a good idea to hit another 4-mile run today!
Phew is an understatement.
The kids were a blast today though... some of them were quite the little hams. They were so thrilled to have their picture taken and then they would run up to you afterwards and want to see the picture and giggle their heads off! It is impossible to be in a bad mood when you are around them. The principal of the school took us up to the top of this mountain/hill afterwards to show us the village from afar. It was more than beautiful. I'm at a loss of words to describe it.
ps it's HOT here and it's not just me! I love it on the weekends and I still love it more than being in the chilly winter of Chicago but it is difficult to do a proper physical on someone when you're sweaty! I really cannot complain though can I?
Hope you enjoy these little munchkins as much as I did!
Well the kids really seem to enjoy having you around! I am sure they appreciate what you are doing. Take care and be careful ... Chicago potholes probably don't seem so bad anymore.